
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

science. science is fun because you can learn crazy stuff. we learn how to save power at home and we learn how to make lights go on. science is cool because you can learn that you like to learn. it good going to science so you no how to save power.we learn how to connect the light bulb to the battery. there is different lights

Friday, March 20, 2020

96% on stage 4 Timed.


Friday, June 21, 2019

93% on stage 4 timed

my stage 4 time is go good. i am good on stage 4. i like to get on to stage 5 stage. i will by on 95% on stage 4. i will by good on stage 4 timed and get on to stage 5. i will try my best to do stage 4 timed test. i will see of i can get on to stage 5 and do a timed. on stage 4 i will try my best.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Drawing a Pukeko 17.06.19

I painted a Pukeko. First Miss Petersen and I drew a Pukeko with a pencil. After that we painted the pukeko and we made a nice background for it. I chose to paint with the colours blue and green. Next, we let it dry out in the sun. Finally, we outlined our drawing with a black marker and we glued it to a bigger black paper. I found it hard to make this because it was difficult to paint, but I still enjoyed it.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Reading Stamina

This week we have been learning about reading stamina. In room 10 a first step was to pick a book and then we went on to our a chromebook, then opened a new doc and then click voice typing and started to read our book. our teacher told us to read loud and clear.